Thinning hair affects many people across the world. The most interesting thing, perhaps, is the fact that way before surgical intervention and hair follicle transplant became popular, a host of natural home remedies were in use. These home remedies are preferred because they are less invasive, affordable and easy to access for the most part. The most important thing when it comes to the use of home remedies is to ensure that the remedies are used regularly for best results.

healthy hair

Before outlining the remedies, it is vital to know some of the reasons why hair thins. Some of the most popular causes include disrupted hormonal levels, deficiencies in nutrients that enhance hair growth, specific medication and forms of therapy as well as genetics at play. Left untreated, thinning hair can lead to baldness. For this reason, it helps to start using the remedies as soon as is practical. Treat hair thinning naturally without any side effects when you use any of the remedies listed below.

1. Coconut Oil

Time Required: 1 Hr  30 Min
What You Need: 5 Tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of lime juice and regular shampoo products. You may need a warm water bath.
Difficulty: Easy


Coconut oil has long been used in the maintenance of strong healthy hair. The oil is packed with nutrients which nourish the scalp and ensure the growth of thick hair. Lime juice is added to cleanse the scalp and hair for best results. The best time to use this remedy is just before shampooing, a popular process referred to as a pre-poo (the process that comes before shampooing). Depending on your personal preferences, you may also apply the oil on your hair and scalp after washing.


  1. If the coconut oil has solidified as a result of low temperatures, simply make sure you warm it in a warm water bath. Never heat the oil directly as this makes it less effective.
  2. Take 5 tablespoons of the coconut oil and mix it with the lime juice until you have a consistent mixture.
  3. Massage the coconut oil mixture on the scalp and hair.
  4. Leave the mixture on the hair for an hour and proceed to shampoo as usual.
  5. As part of a daily hair routine, you may apply coconut oil to your hair for improved body of the hair.


2. Choice of Oil Treatments:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: Choice essential oil.
Difficulty: Easy


There is a wide array of oil treatments that can be used to treat thinning hair. Each of the oils is packed with nutrients that play an elemental role in the growth of thick healthy hair. Used regularly, the oils prevent thinning hair and overall allow for the growth of thick voluminous hair. Ginger root oil for example, triggers the hair follicles to enhance the growth of hair. The oil also improves blood circulation to the scalp. Ginger root oil may be mixed with olive or coconut oil.

Lavender oil is also befitting for the natural treatment of thinning hair. This oil promotes the growth of new healthy hair while balancing the production of sebum which is the natural oil produced by the skin. Other benefits that come in handy as far as the use of lavender oil is concerned include anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties for a clean scalp. This is particularly effective for cases where thinning hair is the result of an infection on the scalp.

Rosemary oil is highly regarded as a natural choice for the treatment of thinning hair. In fact, it has been shown to be effective for the treatment of hair loss as a result of a condition known as alopecia areata. The best way to use this oil is to apply it on the part of the scalp affected by thinning hair. As with the other oil remedies, it is advisable to use rosemary oil regularly for best results in dealing with thinning hair.

Peppermint oil is recommended for the natural treatment of thinning hair as well. The oil has excellent moisturizing properties and its antifungal properties come in handy in cases where thinning hair is the result of a fungal scalp infection. Best known for its soothing properties, peppermint oil gets rid of irritation at the affected part of the scalp. Additionally, peppermint oil improves the circulation of blood to the scalp, effectively permitting the stimulation of the hair follicles for hair growth.

Olive oil can also help with the natural treatment of thinning hair. This is because the oil stimulates the production of new hair follicles. It is also a preferred remedy since it helps clean the scalp by getting rid of dirt found on the scalp. Lastly, olive oil gives hair some body and delightful texture. The catch in using olive oil, and indeed any of the oil treatments is to ensure that you use the remedy on a regular basis. It takes a couple of weeks to notice any improvements, so consistency is key.


  1. Apply your preferred oil remedy on the affected part of the scalp at least four times weekly for great results.
  2. You may find a way to incorporate this in your regular hair routine too.


3. Fresh Onion Juice:

Time Required: 1 Hr
What You Need: 3 Medium sized onions, a sharp knife, a clean piece of cloth, string, shower cap and your typical hair products.
Difficulty: Easy


The idea of chopping onions can be a teary affair, but the excellent results associated with the onions when it comes to treating thinning hair makes it well worth it. The reason onions are an ideal choice is because they are rich in sulfur. Sulfur is one of the compounds required for the synthesis of hair proteins. In the absence of hair proteins, it is very easy for thinning to occur.

When the amount of sulfur available on the skin is increased, there are higher chances of treating thinning hair. Remember this the next time you want to ignore this pungent but effective home remedy. Follow the directions below to prepare onion juice for topical application.


  1. Peel the 3 medium-sized onions before use (note that the number of onions used will vary depending on the extent of thinning hair).
  2. Use a sharp onion to chop the onions into small pieces. You want to use small pieces of the onions as opposed to large rings as the former have a larger surface area for juice production.
  3. Spread the clean cloth and then transfer the small onion pieces to it.
  4. Use a string to tie the ends of the cloth so as to allow you to squeeze juice without the chopped onions spilling over.
  5. Tug at the ends of the cloth in opposite directions, and collect the juice in a cup.
  6. Apply the juice on the affected part of the scalp and cover with a shower cap for an hour.
  7. Resume your normal hair care routine once this is done.
  8. Use this remedy at least twice weekly for a number of weeks until you notice an improvement.


4. Add Proteins to Your Daily Diet:

Time Required: Varies depending on the specific source of food.
What You Need: A protein-rich diet.
Difficulty: Easy


It goes without saying that one of the best ways in which you can prevent thinning hair is to increase the amount of protein in your daily diet. This is key because in its most basic form, hair is made up of keratin, a specific type of protein. The good news is that there are many options as far as protein foods are concerned. Some of the best sources include chicken, eggs, fish, nuts and soy. Beef is also recommended for this, but it is important to go for lean cuts to prevent the risk of high cholesterol levels and associated disorders.


  1.  Simply prepare each food according to your desired preference.
  2. Options such as yogurt and nuts do not require any preparation and can always be consumed on the go.


5. Amla:

Time Required: 15 Min
What You Need: Amla hair oil.
Difficulty: Easy


It is almost impossible to talk about treating thinning hair without mentioning amla. The fruit of this plant, sometimes referred to as the Indian Gooseberry, is rich in Vitamin C and a host of healing properties that make it perfect for restoring hair in sections where it has thinned. In addition to this, amla has great fatty acids whose presence help nourish and hydrate the scalp. The result of this is stronger hair and healthy roots.


  1.  Simply apply amla hair oil to your scalp at least once daily.
  2. Find ways to make this a regular part of your hair routine and you will not regret it.
  3. Keep at it until you notice an improvement in the state of your hair.


6. Raw Egg White:

Time Required: 1 Hr
What You Need: 1 Egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and products you need for your shampoo routine.
Difficulty: Easy


Eggs are rich sources of protein and sulfur, 2 of the most elemental ingredients for the growth of strong hair. The sulfur contributes to the various synthesis pathways that allow for the growth and development of hair. Olive oil on the other hand, is added to the egg mixture to moisturize the scalp as well as load Vitamin E for healthy strong hair. Other benefits of using this remedy include improved blood circulation and a healthy scalp. Follow the directions below to use raw egg white in the treatment of thinning hair.


  1. The easiest way to get egg white without making a mess is to create a small hole and allow its flow with relative ease.
  2. Collect the egg white and add to it the olive oil before whisking to allow for even mixing.
  3. Apply a generous amount of this egg white mixture on the scalp, ensuring you focus on the affected part of the scalp. Depending on the extent of the thinning hair, you may need varying amounts of eggs to get the egg whites.
  4. Wait out for 1 hour or so before following through with your normal hair routine.


7. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: 1 Cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.
Difficulty: Easy


One of the most versatile home remedies, apple cider vinegar (abbreviated ACV) makes for a perfect solution in the natural treatment of thinning hair. This is because it not only unclogs the hair pores, it also helps maintain an optimal environment for the synthesis of new hair follicles.

There are two ways you may use apple cider vinegar to prevent thinning hair – either topical application or through ingestion. The most effective way to do this is to use a combination of both modes of application. Note that the best time for topical application of ACV is just after shampooing and rinsing for improved efficiency.


For Topical Application

  1. Dilute 1 cup of the apple cider vinegar using 2 cups of warm water.
  2. Use the solution to rinse the wet hair and massage the scalp.
  3. Use this remedy at least once weekly.

For Ingestion

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of ACV to a glass of warm water and stir.
  2. Drink this solution daily to enhance the growth of hair in sections where it has thinned.


Other excellent home remedies you can use for the natural treatment of thinning hair include henna, ground fenugreek seeds made into a paste as well as licorice root. For the best results, these remedies ought to be combined with proper hair care and maintenance.