Scabies is a contagious disease that causes intense itching on the skin, and is caused by mites. The specific mite which causes this disease is known as the Sarcoptes scabiei. The itchiness results from the mites burrowing into the skin, and is most intensified at night. Scabies is extremely contagious, and is easily spread through contact with infected persons. Due to the nature of the condition, it is not uncommon to find scabies spreads fast in places such as day care settings, classes, at the workplace and even in prison. For this reason, scabies treatment is recommended for the whole group – the whole family, class or day care group.

lavendar oil

Symptoms of scabies include intense pain, severe itching and the formation of red rashes. The latter is often accompanied by redness on the affected skin. Depending on the severity of the condition, one may also get blisters and lumps on the skin. The most affected parts of the body include the shoulder blades, the armpit region, beneath the breasts as well as in the genital region. Scabies also tends to appear in between the fingers and toes as well as under the feet. Immediate medical attention is key to alleviate the discomfort of the condition. Prior to gettng medical attention however, you can use home-made remedies that will give you relief from the condition as well as help curb its spread.

1. Cold Water

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: Cold water, a clean washcloth and calamine lotion.
Difficulty: Easy


One of the simplest ways to get relief from scabies is to use cold water. The water not only soothes the itchy skin, it also reduces the inflammation. If the affected part of the body cannot possibly be soaked, then simply soak a washcloth as described in the directions below. Calamine lotion is added to this remedy to allow for speedy recovery from scabies. Use this remedy severally during the day to effectively treat the condition.


  1. Depending on the affected part of the body, soak in cold water.
  2. If this is not possible, simply soak the washcloth in the cold water and dab on the affected skin.
  3. Do this for about 5 minutes before applying calamine lotion.


2. Neem Leaves:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: A handful of neem leaves, a pestle and mortar and warm water to rinse.
Difficulty: Easy


Neem leaves have long been used to treat varying skin conditions, which is what makes them a perfect remedy for the home treatment of scabies. When crushed using a pestle and mortar, the neem leaves relieve itching and help clear the mites population in a short time period. Topical application works effectively, and the leaves are pretty easy to source. Follow the directions indicated below for quick healing using neem leaves.


  1. Sort the leaves and discard the bad ones.
  2. Place the neem leaves in a mortar and crush using a pestle until you have a consistent paste. You may add some warm water to ease the crushing process.
  3. Apply a generous amount of the neem paste on the affected skin, making sure that the itchy part is covered in entirety.
  4. Allow the paste to air-dry to enhance the absorption of its healing properties.
  5. Rinse the skin with warm water. You may opt to top this application up with the use of calamine lotion.
  6. Use this remedy severally daily until you get relief from the condition.


3. Tea Tree Oil:

Time Required: 15 Min
What You Need: 2 Teaspoons both of tea tree oil and olive oil as well as sterile cotton wool.
Difficulty: Easy


When it comes to treating skin conditions, one of the most popular remedies available is tea tree oil. When used for the natural treatment of scabies, tea tree oil helps destroy the mites, a factor that is attributed to the presence of terpinen-4-ol. This is an active ingredient that helps destroy the mites, thus managing the severity of the symptoms and helping curb the spread of the infection. The healing properties of tea tree oil, coupled with the soothing properties of olive oil go a long way in ensuring quick recovery from scabies.

NOTE: The use of tea tree oil is not recommended for expectant women and lactating moms. Those with sensitive skin are encouraged to use carefully, preferably by carrying out a patch test first to establish the skin’s reaction. If there is any irritation at the patch test site, discontinue the use of tea tree oil and instead opt for any other remedy.


  1. Mix both oils prior to application. Olive oil also acts as a great carrier oil in this case.
  2. Soak the cotton wool in the oil for a minute and dab the wet wool on the affected skin.
  3. Use this remedy thrice daily for up to 21 days or until the condition clears.


4. Turmeric Herb:

Time Required: 45-60 Min
What You Need: 2 Teaspoons of turmeric powder, 3 drops of lemon juice and warm water.
Difficulty: Easy


When it comes to pain management, nothing works as excellently as turmeric powder. The presence of an active compound known as curcumin is responsible for the herb’s healing properties. When applied on the skin, the turmeric paste relieves the pain and discomfort associated with scabies symptoms. Lemon juice is added to help get rid of the mites population. This remedy is recommended for daily use until the infection clears.


  1. Add the lemon juice and a few drops of warm water to the turmeric powder in order to create a paste. Ensure the resulting paste is thick enough to prevent it from flowing downwards.
  2. Apply a thick layer of the paste on the affected skin and let it air dry for about 45 minutes or so. This time period allows for the healing effects to set in.
  3. Rinse your skin using warm water and allow to dry.


5. Aloe Vera:

Time Required: 40 Min
What You Need: Freshly cut aloe vera leaf, cotton wool and warm water for rinsing.
Difficulty: Easy


Aloe vera is recommended for the natural treatment of scabies, thanks to its excellent healing properties. The cool gel not only eases the pain, it also reduces the discomfort and relieves the affected person of itching. It is a simple remedy that works wonders, and one that can be used on a daily basis.


  1. Press the edges of the freshly cut plant to release the gel. To get maximum gel, cut the surface of the leaf at an angle to increase the surface area of production.
  2. Using cotton wool to scoop the collected gel, apply a thick layer of it on the affected skin. The cooling sensation is welcome relief from the intense itching caused by scabies.
  3. Air-dry the aloe vera gel for half an hour before cleaning with warm water.
  4. Use this remedy daily until the condition clears and you notice significant improvement on the skin.


6. White Vinegar:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: 1 Cup of both White vinegar and warm water, cotton wool and additional water for rinsing purposes.
Difficulty: Easy


White vinegar works against mites infestation, thanks to the increased acidity once applied on the skin. The vinegar’s pH disrupts the normal functioning of mites, in effect treating scabies and helping keep the infection in check. If you suspect that you have sensitive skin and may be affected by the use of this remedy, you are advised to carry out a patch test first prior to the use of this remedy.


  1. Mix the white vinegar and warm water well.
  2. Take some cotton wool and apply on the affected skin.
  3. Let the mixture dry on the skin for some 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse the vinegar solution off using warm water. Use this remedy thrice daily for speedy healing.


7. Garlic:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: Garlic loves, pestle and mortar and lemon juice (optional).
Difficulty: Easy


Garlic cloves are best known for their pungent smell, but are you aware that you can use garlic to treat scabies? Garlic has two modes of action: first, it clears the infection and prevents it from spreading. Secondly, the sulfur compounds present in the garlic suffocate the mites thus destroying them. This dual action is an effective mechanism against scabies. Lemon juice is an optional addition and is recommended for those who cannot stand the lingering smell of garlic.


  1. Peel and clean the garlic cloves prior to using this remedy.
  2. Chop the garlic into small pieces and transfer to a mortar.
  3. Crush the garlic pieces using the pestle until you have a fine lump free paste.
  4. Use cotton wool to scoop some of the paste and apply on the scabies-affected skin.
  5. Compliment the efficiency of this remedy by adding garlic to your daily diet.


8. Lavender Essential Oil:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: Lavender essential oil, olive oil (carrier oil)and cotton wool.
Difficulty: Easy


Essential oils are, generally, an effective remedy for treating scabies. This is because they create a toxic environment that does not allow the mites to thrive. Lavender essential oil is recommended for this use as it smothers the mites and has a lovely aroma. Since the use of this essential oil on its own can cause skin irritation, you are advised to add olive oil (which works as a carrier oil). The oil mixture also works to reduce the reddening of the rashes.


  1. Mix the lavender and olive oils well before use.
  2. Take the cotton wool and soak it in the oil mixture before applying on the affected skin.
  3. Use this remedy at least twice daily until scabies clears.


9. Dilute Bleach Solution:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: Bleach and warm water in the ratio 1:4 and spray bottle
Difficulty: Easy


If you need an effective remedy immediately, you should look out for the use of dilute bleach solution. The compounds present in the solution suffocate the mites and thus slow down the progression of the infection. Since bleach on its own can be pretty harsh on the skin, you MUST NEVER use it without dilution. Use the ratio 1:4 for the bleach and warm water respectively. The amount of solution you prepare is largely dependent on the extent of the infection and the size of the affected skin.


  1. Prepare the dilute bleach solution using the ratio 1:4 (bleach:water).
  2. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle and spray the solution on the affected skin.
  3. Use this remedy twice daily for a few weeks until the infection clears.


10. Anise Seed Oil:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: Anise seed oil, carrier oil of choice and cotton wool
Difficulty: Easy


Anise seed oil has been shown to have excellent insecticide properties, and this makes it effective for dealing with mites. Since the oil kills the mites, it helps curb the spread of the infection. The remedy is used topically for best results.

NOTE: Anise seed oil is not recommended for use in pregnant women.


  1. Mix the anise seed oil with the preferred carrier oil prior to topical application.
  2. Apply the oil mixture on the affected skin using cotton wool.
  3. Use the remedy twice daily.


If scabies does not clear with the use of the aforementioned home remedies, you are advised to seek medical attention. While at it, let your doctor know what home remedies you used to chart the way forward.