Acne scabs refer to the skin formations that result once acne heals. These scabs are typically the formation of a hard coating at the site where the pimples had formed. The hard coating has a protective purpose, and allows for healing to progress quickly.

guy-watching-his-acneThese scars can be a source of discomfort, which is why many people opt to use natural remedies to get rid of the scabs. Interestingly, you will need to be more patient when dealing with scabs than with the acne itself. The most important thing, perhaps, is to avoid picking at the scabs as this delays the healing process and actually predisposes the skin to scarring.

To prevent scarring, there are simple natural remedies that you can use to heal the scabs naturally, and more importantly, carefully without disrupting the healing process. Listed below are the most effective home remedies alongside the approximate time required, the ingredients needed as well as the difficulty of the same. Most of the remedies used below are quite simple to use.

Prior to using any of the remedies below, it helps to clean the skin using antibacterial soap. Use a clean washcloth and warm water for this. Dab the skin dry using another washcloth. You must always use a clean washcloth since there are very high chances that bacterial infections can be transmitted using wet and dirty washcloths. this is risky because it may lead to new acne breakouts. Once you have cleaned the skin, you may use any of the remedies listed below.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: 1 Part water, 5 parts warm water for dilution, cotton ball and warm water for rinsing.
Difficulty: Easy


Apple cider vinegar is one of the most versatile home remedies for the treatment of varying conditions. When used to get rid of acne scabs, the apple cider vinegar works on the skin by ensuring that the normal pH levels are maintained. The vinegar also goes a long way in improving the growth of the skin cells. Both modes of action help get rid of scabs, and therefore prevent scarring. You are required to add water to the vinegar in order to reduce the risk of skin irritation which may counter the remedy’s healing benefits.


  1. Mix the apple cider vinegar with the water for dilution purposes.
  2. Soak a cotton ball in the resulting solution and then use it to gently massage the scab area.
  3. Hold the cotton wool on the scab for about 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse the skin using warm water. Use this remedy at least twice daily for as long as you need to before the scabs are completely eliminated.


2. Warm Compress:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: A clean washcloth and warm water.
Difficulty: Easy


One of the simplest ways in which you can get rid of a scab is by using a warm compress. The warmth of this remedy not only softens the scabs, it also works by getting rid of any inflammation at the site of the scab. The only catch in using this remedy is to ensure that you do not tug on the scab as this can easily cause more scabbing. In addition to this, make sure that you use a clean washcloth to avoid any new acne breakouts.


  1. Simply soak the washcloth in the warm water for a few minutes.
  2. Squeeze the excess water and then place the towel carefully on the scabs.
  3. Let the warm compress remain there until it cools down, This dissolves the scab in bits, and does not interfere with the healing process.


3. Potassium Alum:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: Ground potassium alum, warm water, and a clean towel.
Difficulty: Easy


Potassium alum is a type of aluminum salt that occurs naturally, and whose numerous health benefits make it ideal for the natural treatment of acne scabs. The salt is mixed with water to create a paste which is the applied on the scabs. Once this is done, the salts present cause the scab to tighten, effectively causing it to fall off the skin. Potassium alum also has the advantage of allowing for blood vessel constriction in the surrounding skin. For best results, use this remedy just after a warm bath. Follow the directions below to get the best results from Potassim alum.


  1. Take 1 tablespoon of the ground Potassium alum and add a few drops of water at a time. Do this to ensure that the resulting paste is thick enough not to fall off the skin on application.
  2. Apply the paste on the scab and wait for it to dry.
  3. Rinse your skin and repeat this remedy thrice daily to eliminate the scabs.


4. Tea Tree Oil:

Time Required: 10 Min
What You Need: Tea tree oil, olive oil (used as a carrier oil), a dropper, and cotton wool.
Difficulty: Easy


Tea tree oil is recommended for the natural treatment of acne scabs, thanks to its antiseptic healing properties. When applied on the scabs, the oil not only gets rid of the bacteria that causes the acne, it also aids in curing the scabs. You will need some olive oil to act as a carrier oil as tea tree oil may cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin. Use a dropper for this procedure.


  1. Add the tea tree oil to the olive oil using a dropper and mix well prior to application.
  2. Soak the cotton ball in the oil mixture and then apply gently on the acne scabs.
  3. Use this remedy twice daily until the scabs are completely eliminated.


5. Aloe Vera:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: Fresh aloe vera leaf, cotton wool, and warm water to rinse.
Difficulty: Easy


A list of natural home remedies for the treatment of acne scabs is incomplete without the inclusion of aloe vera. Aloe vera is a wonder remedy, and has numerous benefits for the skin. Firstly, the gel from the leaf has a excellent antibacterial properties that helps speed up the recovery process. In addition to this, the remedy helps improve the circulation of blood in the surrounding skin. This is an effective measure for the elimination of the scabs. To get the most of this remedy, you need to extract the gel as described in the process below.


  1. Take the edge of the leaf and squeeze as hard as you can to release the gel.
  2. You may either use the leaf to apply the gel directly on the scab, or collect it in a bowl and then use cotton wool to apply the gel.
  3. Allow the gel to dry before rinsing the skin.
  4. Use this remedy thrice daily until you notice that the scabs are no more.


6. Raw Honey:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: Raw organic honey (preferably Manuka Honey) and warm water.
Difficulty: Easy


Raw honey is an ancient remedy that has long been used for the treatment of skin disorders and the restoration of the natural glow. Its anti-microbial and antibacterial properties go a long way in treating acne scabs. Additional benefits of honey include its ability to soften and moisturize the skin, thus allowing the scab to fall off with relative ease. When used regularly, the honey speeds up the healing process of the acne and prevents scarring later on. Manuka honey is preferred because of its immense healing benefits.


  1. Once you have cleaned the face, pat the skin dry before using this remedy.
  2. Apply the honey and massage in gentle motions for its healing benefits to set in.
  3. Let the honey dry for about 20 minutes and then proceed to rinse with warm water.
  4. Use this remedy daily to ensure that the scabs heal well.


7. Petroleum Jelly:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: Petroleum jelly
Difficulty: Easy


Petroleum jelly is a simple but effective home remedy for the management of acne scabs. As with most of the remedies mentioned above, the remedy works because it helps soften the skin, thus allowing healing to progress well. The best time to start using petroleum jelly is once you have popped the acne pimples. A point of caution however, it is important to ensure that you do not apply the petroleum jelly on acne pimples that are still oozing fluid as this seals the pimples and predisposes you to getting infections. Use the procedure outlined below to treat acne scabs using this remedy.


  1. Clean your face using medicated soap and warm water and then dry well.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the petroleum jelly on the crusty scab to keep the skin moist as well as seal it off infection-causing bacteria.
  3. Use this remedy overnight for best results.


8. Baking Soda:

Time Required: 20 Min
What You Need: 1 Tablespoon of baking soda, some warm water, and cotton wool.
Difficulty: Easy


Baking soda (also known as sodium bicarbonate) is a popular home remedy for many conditions that affect the skin, among them, acne scabs. When mixed with water to create a paste, the baking soda works as an antiseptic and astringent agent. Its antiseptic properties help get rid of the bacteria present while its astringent properties tighten the scabs, thus loosening it from the acne pimple. Regular use over a couple of days causes the scab to fall off the pimple. This remedy also has the advantage of reducing the itchy sensation that likely causes individuals to pick on the scabs. Below are the directions you need to follow to treat scabs using baking soda.


  1. Take the baking soda and place it in a shallow container.
  2. Add a few drops of water to the powder and mix well in order to get a paste. There may be some fizzling owing to the chemical reaction present, but this is perfectly normal.
  3. You may use cotton wool to apply the paste on the scabs, or use a clean finger but take care not to do this aggressively.
  4. Rinse off the paste after 20 minutes. Repeat the use of this remedy twice daily until the scabs are no more.


9. Epsom Salts:

Time Required: 30 Min
What You Need: 1/2 Teaspoon of Epsom salts, 1 glass of warm water, and cotton wool.
Difficulty: Easy


Epsom salts are an excellent solution for the management of acne scabs. They are preferred because they provide much-needed relief from the tenderness associated with the scabs. Water is needed for the dissolution of the salts, and also serves the purpose of moisturizing the skin. You will need to soak cotton wool in the resulting solution for the application of this remedy as shown below.


  1. Place the Epsom salts in a shallow bowl and add the warm water.
  2. Stir to dissolve the salts and then soak the cotton wool in it.
  3. Place the wet cotton wool on the scabs and hold in place for 20 minutes to allow the Epsom salts act on the scab.
  4. Rinse the skin and repeat as often as you need to.


10. Additional Tips for Treating Acne Scabs at Home:

  1. You must avoid picking the scab at all costs as this not only makes it likely for you to get an infection, but also increases the possibility of scarring.
  2. Stay off makeup for as long as the scab has not yet healed. This is because certain chemicals present in the different products irritate the skin and cause blockage of the pores.
  3. Wash the skin on a regular basis using medicated soap and warm water.

Acne scabs are unsightly and this often worries affected persons. The good news is that there are several remedies you can use to treat this condition naturally. If, however, you start notice that there is no progress, make sure you see a dermatologist to chart the way forward.

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